
среда, 22 октября 2014 г.

Бенедикт Камбербэтч на съемках сериала "Пустая корона: Война роз" в роли Ричарда III у Кафедрального собора в Сомерсете, Англия. 20.10.2014

BBC 2 продолжает снимать цикл фильмов "Пустая Корона" по произведениям Уильяма Шекспира. Настала очередь Ричарда III и "Войны Роз" (The Hollow Crown: The War of the Roses), где героизм и предательство сплелись между собой. 20 октября 2014 года у Кафедрального собора в Сомерсете, Англия, начались съемки с Бенедиктом Камбербэтчем в роли царя-воина Ричарда III, режиссер сериала Сэм Мендес (Skyfall). Бенедикт Камбербэтч не новичок в седле, но и он иногда совершает ошибки всех начинающих наездников. В своем интервью он как-то раз называл себя "нервной дамочкой", когда не смог дать четкое указание своему коню и тот чуть не встал на дыбы. Походу, Камбербэтч уже не "девушка в беде", а конкретный наездник, ведь сцены, когда он въезжает на территорию собора на лошади уж очень убедительны.


20.10.2014- Съемки в у собора в Сомерсете



Benedict Cumberbatch has been snapped looking mean and moody as Richard III on the set of The Hollow Crown.  The Sherlock star was snapped filming in and around Wells Cathedral in Somerset and it seems he is relishing his role as the monarch. Benedict could be seen scowling on horseback during rehearsals, looking menacing in a black hooded cloak.

Benedict Cumberbatch Cast & Crew Filming At Wells Cathedral







Make way for His Royal Hotness! Benedict Cumberbatch cuts a handsome figure as he films scenes for Richard III drama on horseback dressed in regal attire 

He is set to play King Richard III in new period drama The Hollow Crown.
And on Monday, Benedict Cumberbatch looked very much in character when he appeared on horseback to film scenes around Wells Cathedral in Somerset.
The 38-year-old actor cut a handsome figure clad in regal attire, consisting of dark blue robes and a black hooded cape.

The actor, known for playing Sherlock Holmes, was also pictured dressed in a black velvet and gold embroidered cloak as he wore a jewelled crown on his head.

Sitting on a large mahogany throne, Benedict appeared pensive as he filmed scenes inside the beautiful cathedral.
Produced by Skyfall director Sam Mendes, the three-part adaptation will also star Dame Judi Dench as Cecily, Duchess of York.
Spooks star Keeley Hawes will take on the role of Queen Elizabeth, while Hotel Rwanda actress Sophie Okonedo will play Queen Margaret.
Benedict will also be reunited with Sherlock co-star Andrew Scott, the detective’s nemesis Moriarty, who will take on the role of King Louis XI of France.

The British star previously learned how to ride a horse for the 2011 Hollywood version of War Horse, directed by Steven Spielberg.
At the time, he said he had a ‘near miss’ when his horse reared up and almost fell backwards on top of him.
‘I thought it was game over. I was charging around on him, show-jumping and picking up stuff and dropping it off,’ he explained. ‘I think I just went for it too much and accidentally gave him a confusing instruction, kicking him as well as reining him back.
‘He thought I meant for him to stand up and the next thing I know he started going. I made the classic mistake of pulling on the reins to keep my seat and he started to go backwards, which is really dangerous.’ 
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