
четверг, 20 ноября 2014 г.

Бенедикт Камбербэтч на церемонии награждения 2014 CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute в Нью-Йорке, 18.11.2014

18 ноября 2014 года в  Американском музее естественной истории (American Museum of Natural History ) в Нью-Йорке состоялась церемония награждения "Герои CNN: звездный выпуск" ( CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute ). Одного из победителей, Пена Фартинга (Pen Farthing), представлял Бенедикт Камбербэтч. Пен был назван победителем 2014 года за свою волонтерскую некоммерческую деятельность. Он создал приют для собак и котов, которых находили солдаты во время спецопраций в Афганистане. Если раньше победители получали 25 000  $, то теперь лучшая десятка получит еще + 100 000 $ на развитие своего дела. 



Benedict Cumberbatch attends the 2014 CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute at the American Museum of Natural History on November 18, 2014 in New York City



This guy is CNN’s Hero of the Year.

Because CNN doesn’t understand what heroism means and neither do any of the people who voted for him or the people who nominated this year’s candidates for CNN Hero of the Year. If it was called CNN’s Feel Good Story of the Year, I’d say it’s right on target. But it’s not; it’s called CNN Heroes. And that makes it an absolute train wreck.

Now in its eighth year, CNN Heroes has profiled over 200 people since 2007. The 2014 Top 10 were nominated by CNN’s worldwide audience and featured earlier this year on the network. The winner was selected this week at the conclusion of six weeks of public voting.

In addition to the $25,000 that each of the 2014 Top 10 CNN Heroes receives, Farthing will be awarded $100,000 for his cause.
So, CNN just gave this guy $125,000 to keep on reuniting soldiers with dogs and cats they met while deployed in Afghanistan.

I don’t begrudge him the money and I think what he’s doing is great. It’s good for the pets and it’s good for the people. It’s a nice idea and a heartwarming story.

Pen Farthing, who founded a nonprofit that reunites soldiers at home with stray dogs and cats they took in during combat, has been named the 2014 CNN Hero of the Year.

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