
суббота, 1 ноября 2014 г.

Бен Барнс и Эдди Рэдмейн на церемонии вручения премий BAFTA Los Angeles Jaguar Britannia Awards, Беверли Хиллз, 30.10.2014

Ежегодный благотворительный ужин и церемония награждения лауреатов премии BAFTA Los Angeles Jaguar Britannia Awards состоялась 30 октября 2014 года в The Beverly Hilton Hotel в Беверли Хиллз, Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния. Так уж случилось, что в этом году состоялся прорыв английских актеров прямиком к Оскару, и вот уже Бен Барнс и Эдди Рэдмейн участвуют во многих знаковых мероприятиях. Бен Барнс стал тем человеком, кто объявил со сцены имя победителя в номинации "лучшая британская актриса" - ей стала Эмма Уотсон. А вот Эдди Рэдмейн от лица принца Уильями и других выдающихся британских актеров произнес целую речь. Все деньги, собранные от проведения церемонии BAFTA Los Angeles, пойдут на благотворительные цели: образование, стипендии, работу с населением и архивные проекты. Запись церемонии вручения наград BAFTA Los Angeles Jaguar Britannia Awards состоится на канале BBC America в воскресенье 02 ноября 2014 года.

30.10.2014 - BAFTA’s 2014 BRITANNIA AWARDS

Dame Judi Dench, Emma Watson and Robert Downey Jr have all been honoured at the Bafta Britannia Awards in Los Angeles. British stars such as Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, Ben Barnes and Downton Abbey's Allen Leech were joined by Dustin Hoffman, Jamie Foxx and Hailee Steinfeld at the ceremony, which celebrated the top talents in the US and UK industry. Oscar-winning actress Dame Judi, 79, was presented with the Albert R "Cubby" Broccoli Award for Worldwide Contribution in Entertainment by Dustin Hoffman. Former Harry Potter actress Emma was named Britannia British Artist of the Year, while Iron Man star Robert received the Stanley Kubrick Award for Excellence in Film, named after the legendary director of such films as 2001: A Space Odyssey.


Eddie Redmayne attending BAFTA’s 2014 Britannia Awards held at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on Thursday evening (October 30) in Beverly Hills, Calif





Redmayne introduced a special tribute to British stars and a taped piece with Prince William who saluted the late Richard Attenborough.


Ben Barnes attends the BAFTA Los Angeles Jaguar Britannia Awards presented by BBC America and United Airlines at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on October 30, 2014 in Beverly Hills, California





Emma Watson shows a little shoulder while attending BAFTA’s 2014 Britannia Awards held at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on Thursday evening (October 30) in Beverly Hills, Calif.
The 24-year-old actress, who is one of this year’s honorees, was joined byHailee Steinfeld and Eddie Redmayne.The Britannia Awards are presented annually at a gala dinner, where peers and colleagues celebrate the work and accomplishments of the year’s distinguished honorees. Proceeds from the gala ceremony support BAFTA Los Angeles’ on-going education, scholarship, community outreach and archival projects...

Emma Watson (Harry Potter, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Noah) accepts the Britannia Award for British Artist of the Year presented by Burberry. Emma Watson tells the story of how her on-set hamster, Millie, died during the filming of Harry Potter and the crew built it a tiny coffin.


Dame Judi and Eddie Redmayne at Britannia Awards

Felicity Jones and Ben Barnes




Eddie Redmayne and Mike Leigh 

Eddie Redmayne departs BAFTA Los Angeles Jaguar Britannia Awards at The Beverly Hilton Hotel LA

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