
понедельник, 10 ноября 2014 г.

Бенедикт Камбербэтч и Эдди Рэдмейн на церемонии Breakthrough Prizes Awards в Маунтин-Вью, Калифорния, 09.11.2014


Быть в Калифорнии и не посетить Кремниевую долину (Mountain View) сродни измене евро-атлантической интеграции, тем более, что совсем недавно (в 2013 году) три интернет-гуру Марк Цукерберг (Faccebook), Сергей Брин (основателем Google), Юрий Мильнер (Mail.ru Group) основали премию Breakthrough Prizes Awards in Life Sciense (премия за выдающиеся достижения в науке и медицине) на основе уже существующей Breakthrough Prizes Awards, основанной в 2012 году. Ведущий Сет Макфарлейн в центре NASA Ames Research Center провел торжественную церемонию награждения. Ему помогали звезды телевидения и кино, среди которых, по праву сыгранных ролей выдающихся ученых, были Бенедикт Камбербэтч и Эдди Рэдмейн.  


Всего было роздано двенадцать призов по три миллиона долларов каждый: шесть - за достижения в области медицины (одно из них, например, относится к исследованию генетической склонности к нипертонии, другое посвящено научному обоснованию метода лечения болезни Паркинсона при помощи глубокой стимуляции),  пять - в математике, а последнюю, двенадцатую, разделили между собой две команды физиков, докзазавшие, что вселенная не сжимается, как раньше было принято считать, а расширяется высокими темпами.

Победители получили причудливый трофей (автор дизайна Олафур Элиассон)


Benedict Cumberbatch attends the Breakthrough Prize Awards Ceremony Hosted By Seth MacFarlane at NASA Ames Research Center on November 9, 2014 in Mountain View, California



Benedict Cumberbatch and Breakthrough Prize Founder Mark Zuckerburg

Stony Brook University and Imperial College London Professor Simon Donaldson, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques Professor Maxim Kontsevich, Actor Benedict Cumberbatch, University of California, Los Angeles Professor Terence Tao, Breakthrough Co-Founder Mark Zuckerburg


Eddie Redmayne attends the Breakthrough Prize Awards Ceremony Hosted By Seth MacFarlane at NASA Ames Research Center on November 9, 2014 in Mountain View, California 



Eddie Redmayne and Breakthrough Prize Founder Yuri Milner

Johns Hopkins University and the Space Telescope Science Institute Professor Adam Riess, Nobel Prize Laureate and University California, Berkeley Professor of Physics Saul Perlmutter, Actor Eddie Redmane, and Australian National University Professor Brian P. Schmidt

Scientists Win Breakthrough Prizes at Silicon Valley Gala

David Allis discovered how each human cell packs a six-foot length of DNA into 0.5 millionths of an inch. Richard Taylor helped solve a centuries-old math problem. Alim-Louis Benabid pioneered the use of electrical stimulation in the brain to relieve symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Each walked home $3 million richer Sunday night.

They were among a group of life scientists, physicists and mathematicians that were feted at the second annual Breakthrough Prize award ceremony. Sponsored by the founders of Google, Facebook, and Alibaba among others, the new award is meant to celebrate scientists and encourage them to pursue big ideas says Anne Wojcicki, founder of genetics startup 23andMe and a sponsor of the event.

“If we get more scientists to pursue big ideas, we’ll have more big discoveries in our lifetime,” said Wojcicki, who is also known as the wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin.

Jon Hamm, Cameron Diaz, Benedict Cumberbatch and other celebrities were on hand to give out the awards at the black tie ceremony at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California.

Twelve prizes were awarded this year, six to life scientists, five to mathematicians and one to two teams of physicists. In future years, just one prize will be awarded in each category. Because winners of the award join the selection committee that will determine future awards, more are being given out in the first two years.

Yuri Milner, a Russian entrepreneur who invests in Silicon Valley companies and another sponsor of the event, said that society no longer celebrates scientists the way it did Albert Einstein and Jonas Salk. “We would like to change that,” he said.

The two teams of physicists that received this year’s physics award were recognized for discovering that the universe isn’t shrinking, as was once commonly believed, but is actually expanding at an accelerating rate. The discovery, made possible by studying the brightness of distant exploding stars known as supernovae, has profound implications. It implies the existence of a vast reservoir of “dark energy” in the universe, a force still not understood by scientists.

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