
вторник, 16 декабря 2014 г.

Криминальное начало съемок нового фильма о Джеймсе Бонде "Спектр" (Spectre) с участием Дэниела Крейга, Лондон, 15.12.2014

Еще не успели начаться съемки 24 Бонда, как фильм уже оброс криминальными событиями. Каким бы красочным не было объявление названия фильма,  каста актеров и новой машинки Бонда, все затмила кража - угон  прямо из съёмочного павильона в Германии сразу девяти автомобилей, предназначенных для съёмок новой части бондианы под названием "Спектр" (Spectre). Общая стоимость автомобилей – девятьсот тысяч долларов, и это не считая того, что практически все они были переделаны и нафаршированы дополнительными функциями. Видимо поэтому было решено начать съемки в Лондоне. Но! Стало известно, что ранняя версия сценария нового фильма "Спектр"  попал в руки хакеров. Он стал одним из трофеев кибер-преступников, совершивших атаку на Sony Pictures. Теперь продюсеры картины переживают, что хакеры опубликуют сценарий в сети, а потому предупреждают: кинокомпания Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer является правообладателем похищенного материала, а поэтому тому, кто нарушит эксклюзивные права компании на фильмы о Джеймсе Бонде, грозит ответственность. А пока Дэниел Крейг и Рори Киннер 15 декабря покатались на военном катере по Темзе, прямо напротив штаб-квартиры МИ-6. Итак, первый день съемок смотрим под катом


15.12.2014 - Съемки в Лондоне

Дэниел Крейг

Сэм Мендэс

Дэниел Крейг и Рори Киннер



Just Jared: The script for the highly anticipated James Bond movie Spectre has been stolen in the massive hack of Sony Pictures.

Eon Productions and the producers behind the movie released a statement confirming that the script was stolen and warned any third parties who have received it that it is protected by copyright laws.

Here is the statement in full (via Variety): “Eon Productions, the producers of the James Bond films, learned this morning that an early version of the screenplay for the new Bond film Spectre is amongst the material stolen and illegally made public by hackers who infiltrated the Sony Pictures Entertainment computer system. Eon Productions is concerned that third parties who have received the stolen screenplay may seek to publish it or its contents. The screenplay for Spectre is the confidential information of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and Danjaq, LLC, and is protected by the laws of copyright in the United Kingdom and around the world. It may not (in whole or in part) be published, reproduced, disseminated or otherwise utilized by anyone who obtains a copy of it. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and Danjaq LLC will take all necessary steps to protect their rights against the persons who stole the screenplay, and against anyone who makes infringing uses of it or attempts to take commercial advantage of confidential property it knows to be stolen.”

dailymail.co.uk: A first glimpse of filming for the 24th James Bond was never going to be without its action. So when Daniel Craig was captured flying along London's River Thames on a speed boat, even he couldn't disguise his excitement.

Daniel, back in 007 mode, was joined by Rory Kinnear in character as MI6's Bill Tanner - though the men were more entertaining between takes when they pulled thrilled faces against the wind to make their way to the capital's famed Secret Service MI6 Headquarters.

But Daniel, 46, was exposing his inner thrill-seeker as he smiled widely while the speed boat passed through London's waterway at pace during the early morning hours of Monday.
It was just another Monday morning for the James Bond actor who reprises his British spy role for a fourth time this year, following up on the success of Skyfall, Quantum Of Solace and Casino Royale.  

Daniel was later seen filming from a bridge over looking London's River Thames after the acting pair were escorted over by two drivers.  Filming of Spectre began last week after the film was announced on December 4 and revealed to include stars Monica Bellucci (Lucia Sciarra), Christoph Waltz (Oberhauser), and Léa Seydoux (Madeleine Swann). The Skyfall follow up recently stumbled at the first block when original scripts were leaked and producers were forced to rewrite the plot line. 

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