
четверг, 22 января 2015 г.

Съемочная площадка: Бенедикт Камберэтч и Мартин Фриман на съемках рождественского эпизода "Шерлока" в Глостере

22 января 2015г.
много кому в Англии повезло. Жителям Глостера (графство Глостершир) - раз. В их городе снимались сцены из нового эпизода сериала "Шерлок" (Sherlock). Поклонникам непосредственно сериала - два. На съемки в Глостер приехали все ключевые герои хитового телевизионного продукта канала BBC: и Бенедикт Камбербэтч, и Мартин Фриман, и Аманда Аббингтон, и Марк Гэтисс. Наконец, повезло караулящим съемочную площадку папарацци - три. В кадр попали все вышеназванные звезды сериала. По обрывкам твитов Марка Гэттиса и режиссера Дугласа Маккиннона поклонники "Шерлока" строят предположения о том, что очередной эпизод снимается по мотивам рассказа "Голубой карбункул" из оригинальной серии Артура Конана Дойля "Приключения Шерлока Холмса" - того самого, в которой преступник спрятал украденный драгоценный камень внутри гуся. Но более не распаляясь на возможные спойлеры, давайте просто посмотрим на актеров на съемочной площадке рождественского эпизода. RITISHBOYS.RU


Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have been seen out and about in Gloucestershire filming scenes for the new series of Sherlock on January 22, 2015


( more pics in the gallery )

www.gloucestershireecho.co.uk: Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman were spotted at Gloucester Cathedral today, with Cumberbatch in the famous sleuth’s deerstalker and Freeman as Dr Watson in a moustache. They were seen by crowds coming out of a side entrance having a break from filming, where keen fans were waiting for a glimpse of the stars. Cars were waiting to take them off, apparently for a lunch break.

Daily Mail: Benedict Cumberbatch has been rather busy lately, thanks to the Hollywood awards season. But he has taken some time off from his red carpet responsibilities as he went back to work, shooting scenes for hit BBC drama series Sherlock with co-stars Martin Freeman and Amanda Abbington. The British actors were seen filming at Gloucester Cathedral on Thursday in Gloucestershire.

The BBC confirmed last year that the popular detective show would return in 2015 with a special, followed by a a fourth series consisting of three episodes. (...) Little is known about the upcoming Sherlock special episode, but the 38-year-old actor was kitted out in period costume, donning the famous deerstalker hat his on-screen alter-ego is known for. The actor was also wearing a matching coat and cape as he emerged from the cathedral between takes.

A crowd had gathered by the prestigious building to catch a glimpse of the TV stars as they filmed scenes for the award-winning series, a contemporary adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic character. The Hobbit actor Martin was barely recognisable in his on-screen ensemble, wearing a bowler hat and scarf and sporting a rather sizeable moustache while in character as Sherlock's sidekick John Watson.

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