
четверг, 29 января 2015 г.

Эдди Редмэйн на шоу Jimmy Kimmel Live, Голливуд, 27.01.2015

Эдди Редмэйн продолжает наслаждаться славой после двух наград (Золотой глобус и Гильдии американских актеров) за роль выдающегося физика-космолога в фильме "Вселенная Стивена Хокинга" (The Theory of Everything). Мало того, что он посещает все значимые вечеринки и церемонии награждения, так еще, по словам самого актера, все встречи со знаменитыми актерами для него как сбывшаяся детская мечта оказаться в кондитерской лавке. Именно об этом, о своей встрече с Джулией Робертс и Дженнифер Энистон, а так же о самом фильме актер поведал на шоу Jimmy Kimmel Live, которое прошло в Голливуде 27 января 2015 года. Не остался не замеченным и выход из студии с дорожным чемоданчиком в руках Эдди. Как настоящий английский джентельмен, Редмэйн не прошел мимо своих поклонников, а терпеливо раздал всем страждущим свои автографы. Для него осталось покорить еще две вершины этого киношного Олимпа - взять Оскар и BAFTA. 

27.01.2015 - JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE


Eddie talks about meeting the great Stephen Hawking who he portrays in the film The Theory of Everything.

Eddie talks about meeting Jennifer Aniston and Julia Roberts at the SAG Awards.

Eddie Redmayne isn't one of those actors who is too cool to get starstruck.
In fact, on Tuesday's Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the Oscar nominee and Theory of Everything star said he feels "like a kid in a candy store" at all the celeb-packed awards shows he's been frequenting lately. The 33-year-old Brit added that it's "endlessly exciting" and "completely surreal" coming face to face with "all these people you've long admired."...

"My dad's favorite film is Pretty Woman, so I think as a kid, at a pretty inappropriate age, I was watching Pretty Woman," he said. "So, this moment happens when your name gets read out and it's such an extraordinary euphoria and it's kind of white noise and it all kind of goes into a blur, and then suddenly, there I was sort of hugging Julia Roberts, and then I was meant to be articulate. All I could think of was, 'I want to tell my dad!'"..

"It's sort of kid in a candy store," Redmayne said about hanging with Julia Roberts and Jennifer Aniston. "It's all these people that you've long admired."

"My wife and I love "Friends," the star said of himself and his other half, Hannah Bagshawe.
"We saw Jennifer Aniston at a party and we were just incredibly inappropriate. We so wanted to meet her that we sort of literally stalked about 4 meters behind her for an entire evening."

"Eventually I think she was like, 'OK,'" he joked. "So we got to meet her and she was as beautiful and wonderful as you'd expect her to be. She could've turned around and slapped us for being stalkers.".





Eddie Redmayne looks very dapper in a grey suit as he leaves 'Jimmy Kimmel Live! in Hollywood, CA on January 27, 2015. Eddie made sure to stop and greet his adoring fans 





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