
четверг, 8 января 2015 г.

Netflix TCA Press Tour: Джейми Дорнан и Джиллиан Андерсон представили сериал "Крах", Пасадена, Калифорния, 07.01.2015

Телевизионная Ассоциация Критиков (TCA) в очередной раз организовала пресс-тур по Америке, который пройдет с 07 по 20 января 2015 года. В первый день тура состоялась панель Netflix, которую вели Тина Фей и Элли Кемпер в отеле Langham в Пасадене, Калифорния. И вот теперь понятно, зачем Джейми Дорнан прилетел в Лос-Анджелес, он и Джиллиан Андерсон, а так же сценарист Аллан Кьюбитт представили сериал "Крах" (The Fall) американским телевизионным критикам. Пресс-конференция прошла в дружественной обстановке и при взаимном интересе, а после состоялся твиттер-час с актерами. Кстати, это первое с 2011 года онлайн-общение Q&A Джейми. Посыпались вопросы об его герое Поле Спекторе и о том, как сам Дорнан чувствует суть и характер персонажа, на что актер ответил кратко: "Монстр. Лишен сострадания. Сила и решительность". Показ по американскому ТВ начнется с 16 января. Кто хотел, тот уже посмотрел 2 сезон сериала и у многих остались вопросы. Вот один из них "между Стеллой и Полом есть "что-то большее"?" На что был получен ответ: "Вы должны посмотреть, чтобы узнать..." Вот и я думаю, а что, если на последних кадрах между ними вспыхнула любовь? Фото и видео отчет, а так же видео за кадром сериала "Крах" смотрим под катом



Jamie Dornan, Executive Producer and screenwriter for The Fall, Allan Cubitt and Gillian Anderson speak during the Netflix TCA Press Tour at Langham Hotel on January 7, 2015 in Pasadena, California 

“I think you’ve really got to cling to what makes sense to you,” Dornan says of the humanity in Paul. “You have to find something likeable…there are qualities to him that make him somewhat normal, and I think we can understand being relatively good father and not a terrible husband for the most part.” He also notes he read books to get inside the mind of a serial killer.

“I was never in a room, situation, or audition where I was in the conversation to play someone like him,” Dornan says of playing Paul. He notes that while he takes complicated roles, he’s also a “complicated dude.

“You have to sort of rely on professionalism and see it for what it is,” Dornan says. “You’re still human beings, and it’s still odd positions to be putting people in, often literally with THE FALL. I personally do everything in my power to make the moments before or after the take very light…I don’t find it very personally comfortable to stay in the headspace of someone like [Paul] for too long. A lot of apologies. If I’m doing something especially heinous to an actress, I apologize and say, ‘I’m probably not going to derive a huge amount of pleasure from this.‘”

“He’s very much an ordinary man, and that’s disconcerting to people,” Cubitt says of making Paul more realistic versus more surreal, a la Hannibal, etc. “It’s a deliberate choice to make someone who is closer to the reality of the situation.”

Were Dornan and Anderson on the phone with each other when they filmed the final scene of the first season? Nope. Dornan says Cubitt was playing Stella, and Anderson cracks that he does a great impersonation at her.

Could the show continue, perhaps even without Dornan? Whether Paul makes it through the season, Cubitt says, “I’m very confident there will be a third season.” There’s official stuff to work through with BBC, but he’s hopeful it’ll happen.

Do they binge-watch shows? Anderson says her daughter tried to get her to binge-watch BREAKING BAD, but they didn’t get very far. She did make it through SERIAL during the winter break. Dornan is a few episodes behind on SERIAL, but he did binge BREAKING BAD after the finale.


@GillianA: "@rachelfardy @JamieDornan @GillianA how about a selfie? #TheFallOnNetfix" banana added for scale ;)


@JamieDornan « @MarinaSalazar21 Are there certain characteristics you admire for one another’s character? Her strength & determination #TheFallOnNetflix

@JamieDornan « @miz_nats Do you think Paul had any compassion at all? » No, I think he is void of compassion. #TheFallOnNetflix

@JamieDornan « @XO_BB_XO some of the fans want Paul to actually get away with this & live a normal life. Is that weird? » That seems to be a common opinion

@JamieDornan « @Starbuck_Scully Other than the characters you play, who is/was your favorite character on the show? » Stella, obviously. #TheFallOnNetflix

@JamieDornan « @dornanjohnsons What is the most difficult thing about playing Paul? » Inhabiting the mind of someone so sick. #TheFallOnNetflix

@JamieDornan « @MarinaSalazar21 What intrigued you most about your character to want to play them? » The killer’s vicinity of his home life to his murders.

@JamieDornan « @summer0001 what’s the best part of making this show? » Getting to work with @GillianA who is sat right beside me. #TheFallOnNetflix

@JamieDornan « @TeamJamieD Was it challenging to get into the character of Paul Spector? » Very challenging but ultimately rewarding. #TheFallOnNetflix

@JamieDornan « @Emma92uk do you think there’s something « more » between Stella and Paul? » You’ll have to watch to find out… #TheFallOnNetflix

@JamieDornan « @MrsSaraTurner Were you at all surprised how big #TheFall has become? » No, because they’re best scripts I’ve ever read. #TheFallOnNetflix

@JamieDornan « @kzatorska Any films from last year/this year that you would say are a must see? » Whiplash. #TheFallOnNetflix

@JamieDornan « @shadeshar In one word how would you describe your character » Monster. #TheFallOnNetflix

@JamieDornan « @JennyJohnsonHi5 I LOVE The Fall!!! Gives me a big ‘ol TV boner. Will there be a third season? » Thank you. Potentially more boners to come.

@JamieDornan Thanks everyone for your questions. Wish I could have gotten to all of you. Season 2 premieres on @Netflix January 16! #TheFallOnNetflix
@JamieDornan @JamieDornan_org x 

The Fall Season 2 ep 6 Finale 

The Fall series 2 - Behind the scenes (DVD extra)

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