
вторник, 3 февраля 2015 г.

Бенедикт Камбербэтч и Мартин Фриман на съемках эпизода "Рождество" сериала "Шерлок" в Бате, графство Сомерсет, Англия, 02.02.2015

Пока все номинанты на Оскар тусуются в Лос-Анджелесе и попивают чай на специальных завтраках, устроенных специально для них, Бенедикт Камбербэтч и Мартин Фриман продолжают сниматься в эпизоде "Рождество" сериала "Шерлок" (Sherlock) в Бате, графство Сомерсет, Англия, 02 февраля 2015 года. Снова съемочную площадку окружала толпа фанатов, их было много, но никого не пускали за заграждения. А посмотреть было на что: мало того, что развернули мини-квартиру прямо под окнами жителей, так еще и городские улицы превратили декорациями и муляжами в городской пейзаж викторианской эпохи, которые наводнили уж очень колоритные персонажи. Бенедикт и Мартин периодически между съемками эпизодов грелись то кофе, то прямо грелкой, нежно прижимая ее к себе. Фото со съемок смотрим под катом



02.02.2015 - Съемки в городе Бат, графство Сомерсет, Англия
Benedict Cumberbatch on the 'Sherlock' set, Queen Street, Bath.








Статисты на съемочной площадке


Фанаты и местные жители


He's busy filming scenes for a forthcoming one-off special episode of Sherlock. And Benedict Cumberbatch certainly felt the chilly British cold weather as he appeared on the set of the TV drama while shooting in Bath on Tuesday. The 38-year-old actor looked to be battling the bitter cold as he stepped out while in character as the fictional detective, wearing a long camel coat under a fluffy hooded parka jacket.

With swathes of snow sweeping the country, the actor looked ready to go ahead in his role as the crime-solving sleuth in front of the cameras thanks to his rather anachronistic attempt at outwear. The kindly star also waved at onlookers who had crowded around the location to catch a glimpse of filming, smiling at his fans despite being visibly chilled to the bone.

Under his coats, Benedict wore a Victorian-era suit complete with a vintage plaid design, gold watch fob and neatly-knotted neck tie, while keeping his usually-curly Sherlock style slicked back off his face.

The upcoming Christmas episode for the BBC crime drama series has been shrouded in mystery, keeping fans guessing thanks to the notable period drama feel to filming. Benedict, along with his co-stars Martin Freeman and Amanda Abbington, have been working on scenes for the programme throughout January in locations across the West of England, including Bristol and Gloucester. 

And, despite the TV show being a modern-day adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Baker Street-based detective, the cast have donned Victorian clothing throughout filming. For Tuesday's filming, though, the Oscar-nominated star was seemingly alone for filming, apart from the huge crew surrounding him as he walked across the set.

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