
среда, 18 февраля 2015 г.

Джуд Лоу на встрече с президентом Боливии Эво Моралесом, Колин Фаррелл после занятий йогой в Лос-Анджелесе, 13-16.02.2015


Если мы знаем, что Колина Фаррелла уже давно тянет к экзотике, то Джуд Лоу удивил нас. Мы уже рассказывали, что англичанин побывал в Боливии на карнавальном шествии 13 февраля, но этот день так просто не закончился, Джуда Лоу пригласили в правительственную резиденцию в Ла-Пасе для неофициальной встречи с Эво Моралесом и продолжении празднования карнавала. Там же состоялось и единение с историей Боливии, Джуд принял участие в ритуале аймара, известного как Challa, предлагая первый глоток пива Матери-Земле или Пачамаме на языке индейцев кечуа и аймара. Он вылил немного пива на костер во время карнавала. Эво Моралес подарил ему настоящее пончо с Анд. Джуд посетил карнавал Оруро, этому религиозному празднику больше 2000 лет. Это смесь католических и языческих верований в регионе, которые является одним из шедевров ЮНЕСКО устного и нематериального наследия человечества. Джуд точно получил благословение Богов, напоив их пивом :) Колин Фаррелл на протяжении уже 10 лет является последователем учения йогов и занимается разновидностью силовой йоги Бикрам. Некоторые из друзей Колина не признают йогу и считают ее не подходящей для строительства своего тела, но... глядя на взмыленного и уставшего ирландца после тренировки в Лос-Анджелесе 16 февраля, поневоле начинаешь уважать его за стойкость и душевное равновесие.



Jude Law at a meeting with Bolivia’s President Evo Morales 

He was invited to Bolivia to experience the annual carnival celebrations.
And Jude Law was clearly happy to get right in the mix of the event as he was pictured sporting traditional headgear at the government palace in La Paz on Saturday.
The British actor was seen taking part in an Aymara ritual known as Challa, offering the first sip of beer to Mother Earth, or Pachamama in Quechua and Aymara, by pouring beer on a fire during the carnival.

Challa is an Aymara offering that may include liquor, beer, confetti and or streamers to give thanks, as well as symbolically quench the divinity's thirst.

Jude was dressed up for the occasion in a grey blazer which he teamed with a black top, matching trousers and black shoes.
The Don Hemingway star has been seen with a receding hairline over the past few years but he seemed to have styled his locks in a way that gave the appearance of a somewhat fully hair line.

The actor was also seen with Bolivia's President Evo Morales, watching the carnival dancers in Oruro. 
Jude attended the Carnival of Oruro, which is a religious festival dating back more than 2000 years in an ongoing pagan-catholic blend of religious practice in the region, and is one of UNESCO's Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. 
The Sherlock Holmes star made his way to Bolivia after receiving an invitation from the National Bolivian Brewery


16.02.2015 - Лос-Анджелес

 Colin Farrell leaves a yoga class in Los Angeles

He's been busy wielding guns on the set of True Detective. So it's no wonder Colin Farrell might want to improve his mental wellbeing with a yoga class on Monday. But maybe the class he attended was the of the Bikram variety, as he looked rather sweaty as he left the studio.

Colin carried his T-shirt and yoga mat in each hand; only wearing black tracksuit bottoms and trainers as he made his way to his car. He's become a big fan of yoga though some of his mates have slated him for doing it.

'I have mates that slag the sh**e out of me for doing yoga, and think that it's just a bee's d**k away from wearing fishnets and pumps,' Colin told GQ magazine. 'So my response to those guys is it's really physical and it's really strenuous. I just love it. It allows me to two things simultaneously: it puts me into my body and out of my mind. 

He added: 'And the mind is great, the mind is really important and we've got to coexist with it because it's going to be there forever, but it's a destructive voice at times - or has been in my life. So it's nice to be able to switch it off or put it to the side and tell it to quieten itself down for an hour.'

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