
воскресенье, 29 марта 2015 г.

Орландо Блум забрал из ветклиники в Малибу свою собаку Сиди, 27 марта 2015 года, Лос-Анджелес

Tit deviens responsable pour tpujows.de се que tit as apprivoise. - Буквально: Ты всегда будешь в ответе за того, кого ты приручил (Из повести «Маленький принц» французского летчика и писателя Антуана де Сент-Экзюпери. Слова Лиса, адресованные Маленькому принцу). Орландо Блум не бросает своих друзей в беде. 27 марта он приводил в ветклинику в Малибу свою собаку Сиди. Хотя Сиди и нелегко передвигаться: попона, лангета на лапе и воротничок сразу выдавали ее как пациента Malibu Coast Animal Hospital. У Орландо теперь добавилось забот, но дружба и привязанность стоят того.  


27.03.2015 - Ветклиника в Малибу

Orlando Bloom leaves the Malibu Coast Animal Hospital on Friday afternoon (March 27, 2015) in Los Angeles. The 38-year-old Unlocked actor had to bring his adorable pup Sidi to the hospital after a little scare



Man's best friend! Orlando Bloom gives his beloved rescue dog Sidi a cuddle after picking him up from the vet

His best friend was in need of some TLC, and Orlando Bloom wasted no time in providing just that.
The 38-year-old actor pulled his rescue dog Sidi in for a cuddle after picking him up from an animal hospital in Malibu on Friday. Orlando's black Saluki mix, who wore a blue E-collar and bandage following the vet visit, was no doubt thrilled to be back with his loving owner and heading home.

Clad in a denim shirt and dark jeans, the Lord Of The Rings star grinned from ear to ear as he led Sidi outside of the clinic by his leash. After comforting him with a hug, Orlando rubbed his content dog behind the ears.  Sidi appeared to be taking his time - and unsurprisingly with one leg in a bandage - as he paused just outside the entrance, while his patient owner waited close by.

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