
четверг, 26 марта 2015 г.

На съемочной площадке: Метаморфоза Эдди Редмэйна в Дании и Дэниел Крэйг на "развалинах" в Мехико


Эдди Редмэйн со всей ответственностью подошел к роли первого транссексуала Эйнара Вегенера в фильме "Девушка из Дании" (The Danish Girl). Он посещал клубы трансгендеров, общался с ними, изучал. Эдди занимался пластикой тела, чтобы изучить как двигаются женщины, учился ходить на каблуках, он сильно похудел для роли! Его личная трансформация началась в январе 2015 года, когда он начал погружаться в эту роль и вот сейчас, англичанин может уже уверенно носить платья, шляпку, туфли на каблуке на съемочной площадке. 25 марта на улочках Копенгагена была заснята режиссером очень даже привлекательная девушка в синей шляпке с опушкой. Теперь уже можно с уверенностью сказать, что Эдди Редмэйн стал мастером перевоплощений. Дэниел Крейг в роли агента 007 Джеймса Бонда продолжает устраивать в Мехико маленькие бои местного значения. Фильм "Спектр" (Specytre) выходит на новый уровень уличных боев, когда в разные стороны летят куски штукатурки, каменная плитка и прочий строительный мусор. 23 марта актера видели в дорогом, пошитом на заказ костюме, на съемках сцен в полуразрушенном здании. Фото смотрим под катом


23.03.2015 - Съемки в Мехико


Daniel Craig spotted on the streets of downtown Mexico City on the set of 'Spectre' - 23.03.2015


24.03.2015 - Съемки в Копенгагене

Eddie Redmayne as Einar Wegener, filming The Danish Girl at Kongens Nytorv in Copenhagen March 24, 2015. 

25.03.2015 - Съемки в Копенгагене


Eddie Redmayne pictured as a WOMAN: Actor is unrecognisable as transgender artist Einar Wegener on new film set

mirror.co.uk: The actor, who recently won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything, was pictured wearing a blue lace dress and red wig, looking completely unrecognisable while filming in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The actor will take on the difficult role of transgender pioneer Einar Wegener in The Danish Girl.

The film, which is due to be released next year, is set in the 1920s and will follow Einar and his wife Gerda Gottlieb.

Wearing dark red lipstick, a wavy wig and a period dress, he is completely convincing in character.

The star even added a blue hat at one point, and wore short black heels as he confidently strolled down the street.

Eddie, who is working with celebrated movement director Alexandra Reynolds to ensure he's convincing on screen, said of the project: "We're looking at everything from a feminine perspective. How to sit, to walk, to pose, roll on a pair of stockings.

"How to put on a pair of heels and how to walk in them. Everything."

The actor slipped into a feminine grey overcoat as he was pictured, and looked comfortable in the new role - despite it being a polar opposite to his last one.

Speaking last week, he said: “People go, ‘Oh are you doing this transformative thing?’ It’s not a concerted choice. I think it will be a unique experience.

“There is so much I need to investigate…It’s a very famous story within the transcommunity.”

He also went on to say the new movie, which also stars Amber Heard and Alicia Vikander, is a study of "authenticity, identity and love".

In preparation for the role, he's spoken to members of the transgender community.

"The danger of surgery was so extreme [in the 1920s]. It's such a brave thing that Einar did."

Following his recent success at the Golden Globes and the Oscars, Eddie said he doesn't get overwhelmed by the attention because he's always busy with new projects.

"It is extraordinary. The way I stay focused is because I'm working on something else so literally I'm preparing and rehearsing for a new film that's starting in a week or two so in some ways you're focus is on that and it's a very good way of remind yourself that the work is the important thing, as wonderful as this ride has been.

"But that's how I try and keep my focus," he told the Daily Mail.

And the actor is so devoted to the role, he's set to lose TWO STONE.

A source told the Sun about the Oscar winner’s changing shape: “He’s on a strict diet and has been noticeably thinner.

“He kept it under wraps during his promotional duties and Oscar campaign.

“But back in the UK, he’ll be working fast to shift the rest of the weight.”


Eddie Redmayne filming The Danish Girl on the Copenhagen waterfront March 25, 2015

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