
среда, 8 апреля 2015 г.

Кит Харингтон на шоу Late Night with Seth Meyers в Нью-Йорке, апрель 2015

В рамках промо 5 сезона сериала "Игра престолов" Кит Харингтон побывал на различных ток-шоу в Америке. Будучи в Нью-Йорке он посетил шоу Late Night with Seth Meyers в апреле 2015 года. Сама же передача вышла 07 апреля на канале NBC. Итак, что мы узнали из этой милой беседы? Кит Харингтон не боится, что его герой Джон Сноу будет убит сценаристами в следующем сезоне ибо он им безоговорочно верит. Так же актер рассказал, что нашел свое амплуа в кино и ему нравится сражаться на мечах. Кит рассказал, как ему снималось в Белфасте, уточнив при этом, что Белфаст хорош, если вы там 3-4 дня, но не 5 лет к ряду. Так же он рассказал о визите Королевы на съемочную студию и что она не решилась присесть на Трон Вестероса. Роль Джона Сноу характерная, Харингтон играет настоящего воина - вот это и решили обыграть в небольшом перфомансе Сета Мейерса - "Как бы вел себя Джон Сноу, если бы Сет пригласил его в гости?" Обо всем об этом смотрим и читаем под катом



Game of Thrones Star Kit Harington on Playing Jon Snow 

Harrington loves sword fighting and the show's extras, but feels less enthusiastic about filming in Belfast.


'It’s not worrying to me at all': Game of Thrones star Kit Harington admits he DOESN'T fear his character being killed off 

He plays a fearless warrior in Game of Thrones.
And, for actor Kit Harington, that might just be paying dividends - because the TV star admits he doesn't fear his character being killed off from the smash-hit TV series. The 28 year-old star recently revealed that he takes the uncertainly of his on the show with a pinch of salt. 

Speaking to the Irish Examiner ahead of the season five premiere, he said: 'It’s not worrying to me at all. All I know is that I’ve always felt comfortable in George’s hands and David Beinoff and Dan Weiss’s hands. 'They both know how the whole thing’s going to end and they’ve talked about that.' He continued, saying: 'The show may end up a different thing from the books, they are different things already and I feel very safe in David and Dan’s hands in how they handle the rest of the show for however long that goes on for, and George will write an epic ending for his saga.'

The comments come shortly after he told Seth Meyers he only read his scenes - rather than the entire script - for the new series. Explaining why, he said: 'There was no particular reason. I'm on the fifth season now and I've always read every script from start-to-finish and I've known what's coming. This time I wanted to see if it's as gripping as everybody says it is. I'm quite excited to watch it all unfold.' 
He also discussed his filming locations, specifically Belfast - where he spends much of his time. 'Belfast is wonderful for two or three days - but I've been there for five years! I have to be careful what I say here, but they've got a wonderful tourist board and celebrate three things: two being they they built the Titanic, which sank, and Game of Thrones - the most depressing TV show in history.' 

Seth Brings Jon Snow to a Dinner Party - Late Night with Seth Meyers

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