
среда, 1 апреля 2015 г.

Variety Emmy Studio: Джейми Дорнан и Майкл Келли приняли участие в передаче "Actors on Actors" в Лос-Анджелесе, 29.03.2015

Джейми Дорнан и Майкл Келли из "Карточного домика" приняли участие в записи тв-шоу "Актер актеру" (Actors on Actors) на Variety Emmy Studio 29 марта 2015 года. Сама передача выйдет в эфир только в июне, а нам остается довольствоваться пока фото из студии и некоторыми твиттами журналистов, которые присутствовали при съемках. Судя по ним (твиттам) ничего нового Джейми не рассказал, все это мы уже читали в других его интервью, когда шло промо его сериала "Крах" (The Fall). Но, все равно интересно посмотреть, как Джейми общается с себе подобными :) Ведь иногда самые ядовитые вопросы поступают именно от коллег :) Фото смотрим под катом



Jamie Dornan and Michael Kelly attend Variety Studio Actors on Actors presented by Autograph Collection Hotels on March 29, 2015 in Los Angeles, California. on March 29, 2015 in Los Angeles, California

Jamie recorded Variety’s show « Actors on Actors » in LA. As we already mentioned it, the show will be avalable in June. The actor facing Jamie was Michael Kelly from House of Cards. Both talked together abother their career and acting. Below, you can read some tweets from Variety journalists. A few tweets before the show talking about Jamie in backstage and tweets during the interview, recounting some of Jamie’s quotations. 

Tweets before the show:

@jenelleriley Watching Jamie Dornan meet Michael Kelly is so fun…mutual admiration society. #TheFall #HouseOfCards #VarietyStudio

@jenelleriley Having a convo with Jamie Dornan about one of our favorite mutual friends @jenmorrisonlive #VarietyStudio

@debrabirnbaum And they’re here. Jamie Dornan and @michaeljkellyjr. He’s teasing me that he’s going to take his shirt off. #VarietyStudio


Tweets from the interview:

@LauInLA Dornan « made a choice with Spector to play him very still. » #TheFall spends a lot of time with him when he’s alone, makes him more enigmatic

@LauInLA Dornan enjoys playing that solitude: « it must look pretty creepy and cool… watching someone try to be, when they are that kind if monster »

@LauInLA Dornan had never been a lead before #TheFall, creator Allan Cubitt fought for him, gave him confidence. He dreads auditions and table reads

@LauInLA #TheFall isn’t shot sequentially, just six episodes filmed over a 3-4 month period. Allan was writing the Season 2 finale while filming it

@LauInLA Dornan says he was happy to be 30 and not 20 when #TheFall came along. He admires actors who got a later start, like Fassbender, Clooney.


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