
вторник, 5 мая 2015 г.

Эндрю Гарфилд и Мартин Скорсезе на пресс-конференции к фильму "Молчание" (Silence), Тайвань, 04.05.2015 + первый кадр и фото BTS

Если кто не в курсе, то Эндрю Гарфилд сейчас снимается в фильме режиссера Мартина Скорсезе "Молчание" (Silence) на Тайване. По случаю завершения съемок, для местных журналистов была проведена пресс-конференция, посвященная этому событию, ведь киношники находятся на гостеприимной земле Китая уже несколько месяцев. Как обычно, журналисты интересовались у актера, режиссера и продюсера Эммы Коскофф "понравилось ли им на Тайване, какие места они посетили, как жили все эти месяцы". Много вопросов было и о фильме, в котором главным действующим героем является португальский монах-францисканец отец Родригес, несущий "слово Божие" простым людям по пути в Японию 17 века и сталкивающийся с насилием и преследованием за веру. Как сказал Скорсезе об Эндрю Гарфилде: "Надо быть действительно мужественным человеком, чтобы суметь поставить себя мысленно, эмоционально, психологически и физически на место отца Родригеса в том несовершенном мире. Мы все зависели от Эндрю, от каждого его действия и движения тела, это для меня было прекрасно". Фото и видео с пресс-конференции, первый кадр из фильма, а так же фото BTS смотрим под катом  



Press conference of "Silence" in Taiwan, May 4th 2015 

“It really takes a lot of courage to be able to put oneself mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and physically into this world of Father Rodrigues. And he wanted to and I really believed that he could be in it and wanted to be in it… That’s more than half of the challenge. To be able to accept the challenge, accept what one has to go through to do a part like this and to be dependable. We depend on him, every shot, every movement, and this is something for me that was remarkable.” Martin Scorsese, on working with Andrew Garfield in Silence 

Wearing a grey coat he purchased in one of Taiwan’s night markets, the British-American actor seemed to have grown accustomed to life in Taiwan, saying the past few months have been a “very, very beautiful and special experience.”

“It kind of feels like we live here now. It kind of feels like this is our life,” said Garfield, who stars as a 17th-century Portuguese Jesuit in the film, at a press conference also attended by Scorsese and producer Emma Tillinger Koskoff.

The 31-year-old actor said he was blown away by the country’s beautiful scenery. 

“The beach in Hualien is just absolutely stunning,” said the “Amazing Spider-Man” star, who also went surfing for four days in Taiwan’s southernmost holiday haven of Kenting.

“Garfield says the adaptation deals “with such deep and difficult material, timeless, and huge in scope, huge in emotion. It’s a lifetime that the character of father Rodrigues goes through that we witness. It’s such an agonizing lifetime that he has to live through and yet he wrestles with the greatest and most important and difficult questions that we all wrestle with, which is how to live and how does one live a life of meaning, a life of faith, and does that require you to live in doubt as well? That’s just scratching the surface of why I felt drawn to this story and this character.”



First Official Image: Andrew Garfield In Martin Scorsese’s ‘Silence’

“The subject matter presented by Shusaku Endo was in my life since I was very, very young,” Martin Scorsese told press today about his upcoming adaptation of the author’s “Silence.” “I was very much involved in religion, I was raised in a strong Catholic family. … Further reflection is how [we] want to lead our life in the Christian faith … so ultimately this book drew my attention when it was given to me in 1988.” And indeed, anyone who is even a vague fan of the filmmaker knows this has been his passion project for decades. Well, it’s now filming and today the first official image from the production has been revealed. Also featuring Liam Neeson, Tadanobu Asano, and Adam Driver, the film will follow two 17th-century Jesuit priests who face violence and persecution when they travel to Japan to locate their mentor and to spread the gospel of Christianity. The film is slated for release in 2016.


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