
пятница, 2 июня 2017 г.

Сбой в матрице: Орландо Блум на пляже в Малибу с двойником Кэти Перри, 28.05.2017

28 мая Орландо Блум переполошил всех папарацци, которые охотились за звездами на пляжах в Малибу. Его застукали с двойником Кэти Перри, если не приглядываться особо и не сравнивать параметры, то можно точно ошибиться :) Но, увы, пара не собирается снова воссоединяться. Мало того, на бедную голову Орландо свалилась и свадьба его бывшей жены Миранды Керр и миллиардера Эвана Шпигеля. Куда же свободному и холостому актеру податься, конечно же на пляж! И вот сдается всем, что рядом с Блумом была подруга? Кэти Перри и по совместительству ди-джей Миа Моретти (DJ Mia Moretti). А что, рядом по песчаному пляжу проходила, решила бросить свое тельце на палатенчико, тут и встретила завидного холостяка... хотя, кто сказал, что Миа по мальчикам? :)  


28.05.2017 - Малибу

Orlando Bloom | Instagram | May 28, 2017 | Wisdom & compassion


EXCLUSIVE: Double take! Shirtless Orlando Bloom spends the day on the beach with Katy Perry lookalike.  At first glance it appeared Orlando Bloom had reunited with his most recent ex. But while the high-waisted bikini and vintage sunglasses were pure Katy Perry, the woman behind them was not.

Instead the Pirates Of The Caribbean star was hanging out with a  new woman - who bore a striking resemblance to Katy's long-time DJ pal Mia Moretti. 

The porcelain beauty wore a polka dot bikini and flowered high-waisted bottoms for the day at the beach in Malibu on Sunday.

Her hair tied up in a top knot, she hid her eyes behind white thick rimmed sunglasses.

Orlando took to Instagram stories to share a shot of the woman strutting down the stairs as they followed his new dog Mighty - who ran off excitedly.

'Mighty ain't scared,' he wrote. 

Joined by a group of friends, Orlando and the lookalike sat side by side on the sand, checking out images on Orlando's cell phone. 

A frequent social media user, Orlando also shared an image of the guys in the group taking a kayak out into the ocean.

'Sun Day Fun Day,' he captioned the snap. It appeared the 40-year-old's son Flynn was with him.

The previous day the six-year-old had joined his mother Miranda Kerr - Bloom's ex - as she wed Snapchat billionaire Evan Spiegel in Malibu.

As for Mia, she shared images taken along the same stretch of the iconic Pacific Coast Highway, including one showing her wearing the polka dot bikini top worn by Orlando's friend. 

Mia has long been a pal of Katy, with the two even working together at times. They have previously been reportedly spotted making out - with Mia even said by some to be the inspiration for Katy's song I Kissed A Girl.

And during her romance with Orlando, Mia often joined the two at parties.


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