
среда, 16 августа 2017 г.

Дэниел Крейг сказал заветное "да" на шоу The Late Show with Stephen Colbert в Нью-Йорке, 15.08.2017

Свершилось! То, о чем уже месяц говорили все таблоиды и продюсеры Бондианы, озвучил главный на сегодняшний день агент 007 Дэниэл Крэйг. Он подтвердил своё участие в 25 фильме франшизы на шоу Стивена Кольбера The Late Show with Stephen Colbert в Нью-Йорке, 15 августа 2017 года.  Как говорится, ведущий дожал актера в своей программе...

Дэниэл: "Я уклонялся от ответов на этот вопрос. Я постоянно давал интервью, и люди спрашивали меня, но я скрытничал. Но мне казалось, что если я и должен сказать правду, то тебе". 
Стивен: "У нас хорошие новости. Дэниэл Крэйг, ты вернёшься в качестве Джеймса Бонда?"
Дэниэл: "Да. Я хочу завершить на высокой ноте, и мне не терпится".

За перевод заветных слов спасибо паблику vk.com/daniel_craig. Фото и видео из студии смотрим под катом


15.08.2017 - Нью-Йорк, приезд на шоу


'I've been doing interviews about it all day and people have been asking me and I've been kind of coy but I kind of felt like, if I was going to speak the truth, I should speak the truth to you.'
The star admitted he 'always wanted to return' to the role, but confirmed the next Bond movie will be his last.
He added: 'I think this is it. This is it. I just want to go out on a high note, and I can't wait.'

But the actor - who played 007 in Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall and Spectre - has admitted that comment was 'really stupid'.

He added: 'Look, there's no point in making excuses about it, but it was two days after I'd finished shooting the last movie, I went straight to an interview, and someone said, "Would you do another one?" Instead of saying something with style and grace, I gave a really stupid answer.'
Earlier in the day he had studiously given nothing away away as he appeared on US radio show Morning Magic 106.7, where he said nothing had been confirmed as it was all up to 'personal decisions'.
The actor, who is the seventh Bond, insisted the hold-ups were nothing to do with pay as he admitted, undoubtedly to fan's delight, that he would 'love to do it'.

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15.08.2017 - Нью-Йорк, после шоу


Daniel Craig dramatically reversed his comments by confirming he would reprise his famous 007 role during an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on 15.08.2017 

Daniel Craig has finally confirmed that he will be playing James Bond in the upcoming 007 movie!

There have been rumors for a long time that the 49-year-old actor would not return to the franchise and he has been asked about the reports all day long while promoting his upcoming movie Logan Lucky.

Daniel has been playing coy about the reports and while appearing on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, he revealed that he was saving the announcement for the late night show!

When asked if he will be returning as James Bond, Daniel said yes!

“I always wanted to, I wanted a break,” he added. 


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