
воскресенье, 5 ноября 2017 г.

В Глянце: Большое интервью и фотосет Бенедикта Камбербэтча для ноябрьского номера журнала Interview

Такого Бенедикта Камбербэтча вы еще не видели! Этот фотосет сделал мое воскресное утро :) Итак, ноябрьский номер журнала Interview порадовал нас супер-хипстерским фотосетом актера. Фотограф Майкл Дженссон (Mikael Jansson) постарался сделать Бенедикта максимально не похожим на его образ английского джентельмена. Перед нами предстал этакий "английский пацанчик с района" в ботинках от Gucci, за  £ 1,170. Новое интервью Бенедикта Камбербэтча для журнала Interview проводил Том Йорк, вокалист легендарной группы Radiohead, с песней которого ("How to Disappear Comletely") Бенедикт связывает воспоминания об одном из самых страшных моментов в своей жизни - похищении в Южной Африке во время съемок фильма "Путешествие на край Земли" (2005). Еще они мило поболтали о СМИ, его будущем в театре и об его коллекции туфель. Надеемся, что перевод появится в российском Interview, кто-то из фанатов переведет или в нашем случае в помощь переводчик гугл :) За оригинальными фотографиями и интервью заглядываем под кат



Benedict Cumberbatch Talks the Media, His Future in Theater, & His Slipper Collection

в ботинках от Gucci, за  £ 1,170


Бенедикт Камбербэтч и Том Йорк 

THOM YORKE: I don’t have any chronology to my questions. My approach is a bit more random, a bit more Just Seventeen [an out-of-print British teen magazine]. I actually want to start with the year you taught in a monastery in Darjeeling when you were 19. How was that experience?

BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH: It was in an exiled Tibetan community, just outside of Darjeeling, on the border. It was a little hill station town. I was one of five teachers who had done a training course. It was extraordinary, but it was quite an isolated experience.

YORKE: How long did you do that?

CUMBERBATCH: It was five months. I spent half a year working odd jobs to build up funds for the airfare and to pay for the course. You’re not paid for the teaching; you’re paid in experience. You’re surrounded by the monks and their lives. It was a small monastery, and the top floor was the temple. I was living on the bottom floor, which was pretty damp and had huge spiders. I think it was just near the end of the rainy season; I can’t remember, but it was cold. And because it was so high up, you would open your window, and the clouds were like dry ice rolling across your desk. Nature was ever present; that was gobsmackingly beautiful, as was the spirit and nature and philosophy and way of life of these monks.

YORKE: It sounds like you absorbed a lot of that, just by being there. You didn’t have to study it.

CUMBERBATCH: Exactly, it just seeped in. The personalities of the monks were louder than any lesson.

YORKE: That’s the ultimate teaching, isn’t it?

CUMBERBATCH: It is. By the end, I was so curious to know what the hell they were chanting, why they were doing what they were doing, and how to do it myself. I was like, “How do I go further into this world?” After the course, I did a two-week retreat with one of the other teachers.

YORKE: You were 19 and signing yourself up to sit on a cushion for how many hours a day?

CUMBERBATCH: Many. And only sleeping about four, and eating, like, porridge and maybe a little stew. That part of the retreat was intense. We were with the monks—my god, what discipline they had. It was revelatory. There are these stories and parables and tools with which to channel your focus and meditation and practice, and begin the path to enlightenment. It was a bit cult-y; there were a few nervous, out-of-the-corner-of-the-eye looks between us Westerners. The person who was overseeing us saw that we were really committed, and he also saw that it was just too much. Our busy minds had to be really suppressed. But it was the chance to begin something. I’m so grateful that I had that experience.

YORKE: It surprises me that 19-year-old kids signed up for this stuff. If I had done that at that age, I probably would have run away and found something to drink or smoke. In a way, I’m jealous that you had that experience at that age, because presumably it set you up in a different way for life.

CUMBERBATCH: It was massive. I really cannot get over the generosity of our teacher. He said, “Don’t punish yourself. You’re going to be a student at a university in the north of England. You need to have your experiences and have your fun, and not judge yourself. Don’t live in guilt and regret.”

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