
четверг, 9 октября 2014 г.

BFI London Film Festival 2014: Бенедикт Камбербэтч и Кира Найтли на пресс-конференции фильма "Игра в имитацию" в Лондоне, 08.10.2014

08 октября 2014 года стартовал 58-й BFI 2014 (London Film Festival). Честь открытия и ночного гала показа досталось фильму "Игра в имитацию" (The Imitation Game), где главную роль британского математика и криптоаналитика Алана Тьюринга сыграл Бенедикт Камбербетч, а его партнершей по фильму стала Кира Найтли. Днем состоялась пресс-конференция актеров и традиционный фотоколл в Corinthia Hotel London. Бенедикт, Кира, сценарист Грэм Мур, Клэр Стюарт, режиссер Мортен Тилдум ответили на вопросы журналистов. Фото и видео отчет смотрим под катом






Screenwriter Graham Moore, Clare Stewart, director Morten Tyldum and actors Keira Knightley and Benedict Cumberbatch attend the photocall for "The Imitation Game" during the 58th BFI London Film Festival at Corinthia Hotel London on October 8, 2014 in London, England


Benedict Cumberbatch & Keira Knightley Interviews 
- The Imitation Game Full Press Conference


Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley attend the press conference for "The Imitation Game" during the 58th BFI London Film Festival at Corinthia Hotel London on October 8, 2014 in London, England 

Benedict Cumberbatch on kicking off the BFI London Film Festival | BFI

Merging potent drama with nail-biting suspense, The Imitation Game does cinematic justice to the vision, determination and personal story of British mathematician and cryptanalyst Alan Turing. Director Morten Tyldum returns to the Festival after the success of Headhunters (LFF 2011) with this engrossing film about the man whose innovative machine cracked the German Enigma code and whose inventions would become the prototype of the modern computer. Graham Moore’s pithy screenplay alternates between three significant periods of Turing’s life: the nerve-wracking daily race against the clock as the team of code-breakers at Bletchley Park work to decipher the seemingly impenetrable code; the interrogation of Turing after his arrest in 1952 for ‘gross indecency’ which lead to his devastating conviction for the criminal offense of homosexuality; and flashbacks to school days and his intoxicating friendship with a boy named Christopher. Benedict Cumberbatch eloquently renders the sharp, logical intelligence and complex impulses that fuel Turing’s ambition and thwart him socially, while Keira Knightley plays Joan Clarke as his perfect foil, emotionally intelligent and fiercely clever, she not only understands him, she knows how to enable his success. Shot in London, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Dorset, with locations including the former home of author Ian Fleming and the Bletchley Park code-breaking centre itself, the film also features superb production design from Maria Djurkovic (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) and supporting performances from a stellar British cast including Matthew Goode, Mark Strong, Rory Kinnear, Charles Dance, Allen Leech, Matthew Beard and newcomer Alex Lawther as the young Turing. ‘A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’ was how Winston Churchill famously described Russia in a 1939 broadcast shortly after the beginning of World War II. He could just as easily be describing the origins of greatness, or the man that was Alan Turing.

Clare Stewart
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