
вторник, 25 октября 2016 г.

Бенедикт Камбербэтч получил награду Global Promise Award за благотворительную деятельность, Лос-Анджелес, 21.10.2016

Вслед за своими соотечественниками Чивителем Эджиофором и Дэвидом Оуйелоу (Chiwetel Ejiofor and David Oyelowo), Бенедикт Камбэрбэтч удостоился награды благотворительного фонда Global Promise Award. Актер сказал, что хотел бы, чтобы слава доставалась "настоящим героям", когда получал награду за свою гуманитарную деятельность. Он также отметил, что награда для него - "большая привилегия". Вручение состоялось 21 октября в Лос-Анджелесе на специальном приеме, организованном The GEANCO Foundation. Собранные от продажи билетов средства будут направлены на развитие медицинских и образовательных программ для нуждающихся в Нигерии. Представитель Камбербэтча подтвердила в пятницу, что он и его жена Софи Хантер ждут второго ребенка. Бенедикт не стал комментировать новость о беременности его жены непосредственно на мероприятии Geanco. Когда его спросили на красной ковровой дорожке, что он почувствовал, когда узнал что станет отцом во второй раз, он ответил: "Я не говорю о моей семье в общественных местах.". Фото и видео под катом



Benedict Cumberbatch has been awarded the Global Promise Award for his humanitarian work, which has included being a vocal campaigner for tackling the refugee crisis.

Benedict Cumberbatch 2 in 1 Interview on Fans, Family, & Fame

Cumberbatch hails 'true superheroes' at charity awards

Actor Benedict Cumberbatch said he wanted to shine a spotlight on the "true superheroes" in the world, as he received a humanitarian award. The Doctor Strange star was honoured in Los Angeles by Africa charity Geanco - a day after he and wife Sophie Hunter announced they were expecting a second child.

Cumberbatch, 40, said he felt "privileged" to receive the Global Promise Award for his humanitarian work, which has included being a vocal campaigner for tackling the refugee crisis.

Asked whether the UK was doing enough to help refugees, Cumberbatch told the Press Association: "I think charities like Save The Children are doing a fantastic amount. That's what we're here to celebrate tonight, to talk about and support.

"These are initiatives, like this foundation, which are started from the heart by the charitable sector and are doing great things and are making a fantastic impact."

I think charities like Save The Children are doing a fantastic amount. That's what we're here to celebrate tonight, to talk about and support

He added: "It's always a good thing to be able to use what we get attention for as actors to shine a spotlight on the true superheroes; the real men and women who work in foundations like Geanco, who sometimes give their time and world class expertise to help others in vulnerable situations."

Cumberbatch launched into a passionate attack at politicians' response to the refugee crisis on stage in London last year.

Following a performance of Hamlet, the Sherlock actor criticised the Government's "slow response" to Syrians fleeing war and was reported to have said "f*** the politicians".

Cumberbatch joins fellow British actors Chiwetel Ejiofor and David Oyelowo who were previously honoured by Geanco, a charity which works to improve health and education in Nigeria.



A spokesman for Cumberbatch confirmed on Friday that he and his Hunter were expecting a second child. The couple had appeared together at the premiere of his latest film Doctor Strange in Los Angeles a day earlier. Cumberbatch did not comment directly on his wife's pregnancy news at the Geanco event. When asked on the red carpet what he had learnt from being a father, he replied: "Not to talk about my family in public." Cumberbatch and Hunter, who married on Valentine's Day last year, welcomed their son Christopher Carlton in June 2015.


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